A collaborative classroom is one where learners actually collaborate with one another and the teacher in a stimulating setting for group learning. In collaborative classrooms, conversation is encouraged, class engagement is enhanced, and more information is generated. These goals are achieved through the use of group learning concepts, peer feedback, and frequently technology such as tablets, cell phones and computers.

Classrooms that promote group learning are referred to as collaborative classrooms. Learners are encouraged to think critically, solve issues, and provide feedback to peers in a collaborative classroom. Learners must be taught how to communicate, share ideas and offer solutions in order to achieve this goal. These group activities foster intellectual, emotional and social development in young people, preparing them for careers in the twenty-first century.

Transitioning into the collaborative classroom approach

Individualised learning techniques like lecturing, listening, taking notes and assessment may not fully disappear in collaborative classrooms, but rather coexist with other procedures that are based on learner conversation and active engagement with the course material. The objective is the same, which is to change learning from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred paradigm, regardless of the precise strategy or how much of the lecture-based course is replaced.


Both teachers and learners should be able to effectively interact by owning their individual contributions. This tactic creates a supportive, uplifting and empowering community of engaged learners.

Strategies for collaborative learning that increase learner accomplishment

In order to promote learner achievement, teachers can use the following collaborative learning techniques in their lessons:

  • Think-Pair-Share: a method whereby learners consider an issue on their own, partner up with a classmate to discuss it, and then submit their answers to another pair or the entire class
  • Jigsaw: a method for comprehension
  • Learner-led teaching: where the learners become the teacher. The learner can practice public speaking while researching, understanding and presenting the material in this activity.

Create your collaborative classroom